Top 300 Quiz & Trivia Team Names Of All Time
Panic! The quiz is about to start and you don’t have your trivia team names sorted! A last minute Google will help and thankfully here we’ve collected our best team names of all time. As a corporate event provider running 700+ nights a year, we see lots of ingenious, unusual and often rude trivia team names. We’re happy to share them here with you now…
The Classics
Let’s start with the basics. Throughout the years of trivia nights, these stalwart team names show up time and time again. But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
- Team Name
- The Winners
- No Eye Dear
- Norfolk And Chance
- 63% Of The Time We Win Every Time!
- Eggheads
- Agatha Quiztie
- And In Last Place..
- And The Winners Are…
- The A Team
- Google United
- Let’s Quiz Quizzical / Trivial
- Quizzy McQuizface
- The Wikipedias
- The Banter Panther
- The Know-It-Alls
- Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Quizzie Rascals
- Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
- Universally Challenged
Music Theme Names
These puns on musical stars and songs will have you chiming up at your quiz night, for these trivia team names hit the high notes!
- Beyonce Know Alls
- Thin Quizzie
- I Got 99 Problems And This Trivia Is One
- Quiztina Aguilera
- Quiztina Millian
- Les Quizerables
- A Minor Problem
- Never Gonna Quiz You Up
- Sorted for E’s and Quiz
- Plunderwall
- E=MC Hammer
- John Trivia-Olta and Trivia Newton John
- 668 – Next Door Neighbour To The Beast
- DCMXVI – Roman Numerals Of The Beast
- I’ve Got A Brand New Combine Harvester
- Quiztopher Quiztoffersen
- Quiztopher Cross
- I’m Like Simply Red – Too Tight To Mention
- Billie Jean Is Not My Trivia Partner
- Yellow PubMarine
We pretend the main reason we go to quiz nights because we like the trivia, but it’s really for the alcohol! Try these booze-related trivia team names…
- Tequila Mockingbird
- Quizzly Beers
- Smartinis
- Blood, Sweat & Beers
- Whiskeypedia
- Alcohooligans
- Quizaholics Anonymous
- The Three Must Get Beers
- Gin’ll Fit It
- My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem
- On the Rocks
- Beer Necessities
- Smarty Pints
- Glass Half Empty
- Last Orders
This is what you’re really here for. These trivia team names can cause rapturous laughter when read out to the crowd, though occasionally they backfire with a tough crowd and make the culprits look like weirdos. You take the chance with these rude trivia team names and funny quiz team names!
- Better Late Than Pregnant
- Fat Kids Are Harder To Kidnap
- Handsfree Lightsabers
- Inter Ya Mam
- Love Sponge
- Quiz On My… [insert body part]
- Camouflage Condoms – She Never Saw Us Coming
- We Couldn’t Think Of Anything So We Just Drew A Pen*s
- Nine Inch Males
- Rehab Is For Quitters
- Multiple Scoregasms
- Spooning Leads To Forking
- Save A Tree, Eat A Beaver
- Wings Or Porn – Either Way You’ll Have A Mess On Your Hands
- Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I’m Bad At Poetry, Nice T*ts
- A Yankee Is Like A Quickie That You Do Yourself
- A Beautiful Place To Put Your Face
- Does This Handkerchief Smell Like Chloroform To You?
- Our Fourth Man Is In Labour
- Lovestainz
Here in Canada we love our sports, how about trying these trivia team names with a sports theme?
- Quiz Team-Ano Ronaldo
- Quiz Eubank
- Two Gurleys, One Cup
- Le’Veon A Prayer
- Hide & Zeke
- Dak To The Future
- The Walking Dez
- It’s A Hard Gronk Life
- Waka Flacco Flame
- Geno 911!
- Luck Beat A Brady Tonight
- Swinging For The Pences
- The Steroid Era
- Messi Bedroom
- You Down With OBP?
- Mookie Monster
- Hazard Warning
- Victorious Secret
- Kobe Wan Kenobi
- Balls Deep
Be the star of your local trivia night with one of these celebrity inspired team names…
- Quizteama Aguilera
- Beyonce Know’Alls
- Thin Quizzie
- John Triviaolta
- Agatha Quiztie
- Trivia Newton John
- E=MC Hammer
- Don Quizote
- Eddie Quizzard
- Jeremy’s Iron
- Kanye’s Best
- Matt Fillinleblanc
- Buzz Alwins
- Alex Quizbec
- Quiztie Brinkley
There are many trivia team names based on movie titles. Here’s a selection of 25 quiz team names with a film theme for you to choose from…
- The Dirty Harrys
- You’re A Quizzard, Harry!
- The Quizzard Of Oz
- Sherlock Homies
- Quizpicable Me
- Risky Quizness
- The Fellowship Of The Quiz
- Buckfast At Tiffany’s
- Forrest Grump
- Quiz The Girls
- A Long Quiz Goodnight
- The Exor-Quizzed
- The Trivia-Ing Dead
- The Magnificent 6
- Verti-Go-Get-Me-Another-Drink
- 12 Intoxicated Men
- Sophie’s Multiple Choice Les Quizerables
- Menace to Sobriety
- Not Fast, Just Furious.
- It’s A von Trrap!
- The Shallow Hal’s
- I See Dumb People
- Question Tarantino
- . E.T.’s Phone Bill is Out of this World
Use your favourite TV show as inspiration for your trivia team name.
- Smelly Cats
- Naked and Public Exposure
- The Golden Girls
- We’d Rather Be on Cash Cab.
- Arrested Development
- Get Smart
- Up Schitt’s Creek Without a Paddle
- Sherlock Holmies
- Breaking Bread
- The Real Housewives of Trivia Night
- As Seen on TV
- The Trivia Files
- House of Trivia
- King of Trivia
- Second Jen Quizzers
These can only be categorized as ‘funny’, a random selection of 25 bonus funny trivia team names to choose from. Have any more? Get In Touch!
- My Other Outfit Is A Onesie
- Mel Gibson – Off Danny Glover’s Christmas Card List
- Mr T’s Favourite Yoghurt
- Pirates Cos We Arr
- Oh No My Pen’s Running Ou…
- Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
- Dads Night Out
- E For Idiot
- Hoof Hearted
- Titanic Swim Team
- Colours That End In Urple
- Suck It Trebek
- The Tempura Shelter For The Slightly Battered Women
- How Did The Hipster Burn His Tongue? Drinking His Coffee Before It Was Cool
- We Paid $3 For Trivia And All We Got Was Drunk
- Emergency Brexit
- The Wise Quackers
- This Was Embarrassing
- I Read About The Dangers Of Drinking, So I Gave Up Reading
- Menace II Sobriety
- Roger And Out
- Package Of Rogues
- Mums Night Out
- We Really Trust The Babysitter
- This Isn’t As Good As Cash Cab
Best of Puns Puns Puns!
We all love a good pun! Here are 20 of the best puns around…
Phil and the Blanks
- Running With Quizzers
- Dill With It
- Darth Taters
- Run Like the Winded
- Victorious Secret.
- Skilli Vanilli
- Prawn Stars
- Trivia New Roman
- Lavish Display of Ignorance
- Artificial Intelligence
- Multiple Scoregasms
- The Brewsual Suspects
- Quiz Pro Quo
- E For Idiots
- Single Belles
- Chafing the Dream
- Sons of Drinks Pitchers
- Game of Throw-Ins
- Gone With the Win
Patriotic Names
Oh, Canada! Show your love of Canada with one of these patriotic themed team names.
- Cana-Duh
- Whistler While You Work
- Puck-er up.
- Why I Ottawa
- It’s the moose wonderful time of the year.
- The Maple Leaves
- What the Puck!
- I’m on the eh Team
- Isn’t it Trudeau?
- Made in Canada
- Brokeback Mountie
- Racoonies
- Pirates of the Caribou
- A Few Good Mansbridges
- Mr and Mississauga
- Winningpeg
- Pouteam
- Who let Sled Dogs out?
- We’re having Nunavut
- Straight Eh’s
Star Wars
May the force be with you with these Star Wars team names.
- Han Yolo
- Younglings
- Quizbacca
- The Phantom Trivias
- Unknown Droids
- The Force Is With Us
- Livin’ La Vida Yoda
- The Death Stars
- The Trivia Falcon
- The Trivia Falcon
- Wookie Mistake
- The Crew from Naboo
- The Crew from Naboo
- Jedis in Training
- Han’s Homies
One Word Wonders
Keep it simple with a hard-hitting one-word team name!
- Amigos
- Champions
- Icons
- Ninjas
- Titans
- Warriors
- Unbeatable
- Cavalry
- Cowboys
- Alphas
- Bachelors
- Bears
- Delinquints
- Beavers
- Lumberjacks
- Mavericks
- Players
- Rockers
- Winners
Defeat your opponents and save the day by winning your local trivia night with these superhero themed names!
Black Widows
- The Avengers
- Daredevils
- Thunderbolts
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- X-Men
- The Malevolents
- Ultraforce
- Inhumans
- The Goliaths
- Secret Six
- Wild C.A.T.S
- Chief Rebels
- Supreme Force
- The Vipers
Get Your Own Back On The Host…
If the host is being nit-picky, rowdy or generally annoying, you can get your own back when they read out these trivia team names at the end of the night!
- Pen Island [Read out quickly…]
- And In Last Place…
- I Like This Name
- This Is Not A Drill – Please Evacuate The Pub
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry Red Lorry Yellow Lorry…
- I Wish This Microphone Was A….
- I’m The One
- My Name Is Actually Albert
- Actually, In First Place…
- I Can’t Read This
- My Personal Favorites
- Please Turn Down My Microphone
- I Love Boobs
- Will You Marry Me?
- I have an itchy..
Best Team Names From The Quiz Coconut Hosts!
Straight from the ground – here are some of the funny regular quiz team names we get at our trivia nights! Careful not to use any of these at our nights as the regular teams may not be impressed! You can catch Quiz Coconut at The Stone Lion every Tuesday night at 7:30pm in Toronto.
- I Thought This Was Speed Dating
- Born To Runner Up
- C U Next Trivias
- Good Boy Geordie
- More Than A Mouthful
- Came For The Dad Jokes, Stayed For The Trivia
- Tinder Surprise
- Risky Quizness
- Dave’s B*tches
- One Wheel Short Of A Unicycle
- Game Of Phones
- In Dog Beers, We’ve Only Had One
- Periodic Table Dancers
- Atoms – Don’t Trust Them They Make Up Everything
- Slice Of Pi
- Bed, Bar & Beyond
- Too Much Booze Makes Me Quizzeeeee
- Names Are For Tombstones
- My Trivia Partner Doesn’t Know This Is A Date
Are you still stuck for a team name? Click here for this team name generator!
There are so many names out there, that this is by no means a complete list. Do you have any trivia team names you’d like to add? Email – We’d love to hear from you! We hope you have a great night at your trivia event, be nice to the host…